
Monday, February 18, 2019

Physical Education Class: the Perfect Place to be Bullied? :: essays research papers

forcible Education Class the Perfect Place to be Bullied?Every twenty-four hour period we atomic number 18 seeing how the population in our society acquires really distressing habits that risk their health. Obesity has become an issue touching everybodys life. heap are wondering what the solution of the trouble might be, and a comfortably amount of them think that the only way to stop this increasing problem is to fight it from childhood. One of the ways to keep children from jerk offting obese is by making them do sports. Some people are convinced that forcing children to get down gym class is the magical way that will help children to suffer healthy and in good spirits. I agree with the fact that children should be involved in activities that make them exercise. However, I think that even if children should get some kind of physical activity everyday, they shouldnt be laboured to take gym class since it encourages other kids to intimidate the ones that arent thoroughgo ing(a) looking and bully the ones that arent talented at sports.To begin with, kids at gym class intimidate their not-so-perfect classmates with their evil jokes. I remember when I was at high school and everybody do fun of the chubby fille who wasnt as slim and tall as the other ones. Teenagers daunting their classmates isnt something that just happens in movies, in real life kids are cruel and mean with their fragile mates. In Gym class, children necessitate to drift the uniforms that force them to show their body. In an age when childrens self wonder is very delicate, exposing their body is not something they are so excited about. I can still recall the way the girls of my gym class made fun of my legs since they were so skinny and bony. For a long time, I tangle embarrassed of my legs and refused to wear skirts or shorts. And that was something that happened to a skinny girl, I enduret even want to think how the chubby girls felt when they were molested by our other clas smates who made fun of their fuller bodies. Thanks to the evil jokes of our classmates, opinion about gym class was an awful nightmare.However, the intimidation caused by stronger kids is zip compared to the way they bully the children who are not talented at sports. Everybody is innate(p) with a special kind of intelligence. There are people who have the musical intelligence and can play instruments, sing, compose, etc.

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