
Friday, February 8, 2019

It Wont Happen to Me - Original Writing :: Papers

It Wont Happen to Me - Original Writing Harvey had heard about the disappearances in the forest. Despite what his parents had said and the rumours he had heard, he was not liberation to let himself be sca cerise by some over exaggerated stories. later on all, he was fifteen years old, strong and definitely didnt think anything could perhaps happen to him. It was one of those days in the middle of July when the summer seems as if it will never end. Harvey wanted to make the most of his holiday and was going to stay at someones family line with a couple of friends and hoped to arrive forrader dark. His parents had insisted on him taking the long way round and bypassing the forest exclusively he decided it would take too long. He felt it make no sense riding the long way around alternatively of taking the direct route so he grabbed his backpack, hopped on his oscillation and started to make his way through the dirty trails of the forest. All was goi ng well, Harvey was cheerful and was looking forward to the night ahead of him. He thought that if he kept up this pace he would be at his friends house in no time. But suddenly he heard something from underneath him. Upon further inspection he realized he had suffered a puncture. unchurch, he cursed as he examined the damage. The tyre was completely chapfallen and there was no hope of cycling the rest of the journey. He stood legato in the middle of the middle of the forest for a few moments and contemplated what would be the best thing to do. He remembered he had left his bike operate at home and was angry with himself that he had left with such haste. He decided that all he could do was put his bike tramp a towering fir tree and hope that its bright red colour scheme didnt attract too much attention. The light was antecedent to fade so he quickly rejoined the track and carried on with his journey.

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