
Monday, February 11, 2019

Evolution -Them-to Us Essay -- essays research papers

maturation The origins of mankind is an extremely controversial issue within todays society. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to mans inhabitance of macrocosm. umpteen disagreements arise between scientists who have different beliefs pertaining to where and how mankind arose. One such argument is the conflict involving the possibleness of evolution versus the possibility of creation. After encompassing scientific research, it is seeming that the theory of evolution is correct. Evolution is the theory that heart arose by natural processes at an early stage of the earths write up and that Byzantine organisms developed from simpler organisms by a process of behind change. It is the idea that new species rise from older species after thousands of years of slow chemical, environmental, and genetic change. Evolution privy be described as the complex processes by which living organisms originated on earth and have been diversified and limited through su stained changes in form and function Evolution. Scientists, look for an explanation to the origin of man and other organisms created this evolutionism theory, which also presented serves to the umpteen asked questions transaction with similarities between species. Unlike the theory of creation, which states that the complexity of life and different species can only be explained in terms of a supernatural power or god who placed life on earth, the theory of evolution has a plethora of evidence proving it to be true Creation. at that place are several different types of observations that support the theory of organic evolution as an explanation for the similarities and the differences among species. One such observation is in the geological record. The geologic record is the rock scheme found within the earths outer crust. By means of radioactive dating, the ages of rocks in many places on earth have been determined. It is a timetable of the earths geologic history. This combine d with the fossil record, another observation supporting the evolutionary hypothesis, has produced an apparent sequence of life forms from most simple to most complex during the history of the planet. Fossils are any remains or traces of a once-living organism, which are make by preservation, petrifaction, or sedimentation. Organisms can be preserved and protected against break up by being trapped in amber, tar, or frozen in ice. The hard parts of ... ... the world could have been created in six days. fifty-fifty though Scopes was found guilty of contradicting creationism and the Bibles teachings, the persuasion of the defense mechanisms case brought up the major question of evolution versus creation. In 1996, the issue was revisited and now teachers have the right to teach both theories. The attorney General said the constitutional separation of church and state would be violated if both theories were not ownable. This trial was a major gait for those who believed in evolut ion. The outcome eventually allowed for people to open their eyes and accept new ideas. The theory of evolution proved to be true elf. The controversy over whether evolution or creation is the correct answer to human origins is a major topic of discussion and argument in todays society. People are entitled to their beliefs, but a great deal of evidence and supporting knowledge has confirmed the theory of evolution to be factual and accurate. By combining all of this information along with comparisons between man and ape and the discoveries of humanlike fossils, the truth is apparent. The theory of evolution in my opinion is correct.

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