
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How Does William Blake convey his anger in the poem London ? Essay

How Does William Blake convey his anger in the poem capital of the United Kingdom ? The poem London by William Blake, relfects his feelings upon thesociety that he was living in , and how despreratly it mandatory help.Blake thought that all of the poverty and misfortune that washappening on the streets were caused by the political opression inLondon. Blake was angered by what he saw in his homeland as othercountries started fighting for their indipendence and equality whilsthis coun endeavor stayed dormant, eventhough he felt that there was aserious need for serious action.Eventhough Blake wasnt a typical sentimentalist writer, he too possesed thesame beliefs of fighting for what one believes in, and the urge to beliberated from the opression of society. So, by being a writer of theromantic period, watching a controlled and restricted society notshowing an intent to break free and fight against the monarchy,angered him and inspired him to convey his ideas and feelings throuhthe po em London.In the poem, Blake travels through London and descibes what he sees.And as a result, he sees a severly opressed society that is caused bythe authority, such as royalty and the church. This is as Blake seesthat even the streets and the thames are chartered and governedby the authorities. This is furthur exclamatory by his repitition ofthe word chartered which then gives the reader an image of the lackof freedom that the people in London posses as the streets is ametahor for the general public eyepatch the thames represents theirfreedom, this is as rivers are normally associated with free willwhile the streets are gernerally associated with the lower class insociety. So, by describing the streets and the thames ... ...y that themonarcy creates.I feel that the poem London efficaciously convyed William Blakes angertowards the society and his feelings about it. This is as Blake isawear of everything that goes on in the society, and the poem clearlyexpresses his repulsivenes s towards the political opression imposed bythe monarchy. However, Blake does not soley balme the monarcy, but alike the people of his country. This is because he saw all the othercountries that previously suffered the opression of a monarcy, fightfor their rights and equailty. Eventhough the monarcy did impose rulesupon society, Blake strongly believed that people could overthrow theauthorities if they were to truly try and do so. Hence, a part ofBlakes anger was conveyed by descibing the self-imprisonment of thepeople, and how they could break free anytime, but still chose not todo so.

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