
Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Role of Reputation in Shakespeares Othello :: Othello essays

The Role of Reputation in Shakespeares Othello Reputation plays a life-size role in the play Othello write by Shakespeare. Iago uses his report as an honest man to deceive Othello and everyone else. Othellos repute also plays a big role throughout the play. Cassios changing disposition has a big part in the outcome of the play as well. Iagos reputation vie a key role in the play. Everyone prospect of Iago as an honest man. O, thats an honest fellow, You advise me well... goodnight honest Iago. Iago convinces everyone that he is noble and honest man and he uses this to his advantage. When devils will the blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows. Without this cover he would never have been able to get Othello to believe that Desdemona would cheat on him. besides for suggesting that Desdemona would cheat on him (Othello), he probably would have killed Iago were it not for his reputation. nil suspects that Iago is a deceitful man and would plot to destr oy Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio in such(prenominal) a cunning way. Iago uses his reputation to manipulate Othello and set his plan in motion and complete it. Without Iagos honest reputation would never had allowed him smear Cassio and slip the death of Desdemona and ultimately Othello as well. Othellos reputation also plays a big role in this play and the outcome of it. He has the reputation of a no nonsense military general. This status in fact partially causes Desdemonas death. He becomes so distraught when he hears from Iago that Cassio and Desdemona and cheating on him he becomes outraged and wants to kill her. I will chop her into messes Cuckold me? He is surprised and astonished that she would go behind his back and do this. His reputation doesnt allow him to confront her with the situation and talk things over. He is also angry that his reputation would be tarnished when found out that he is a cuckold. He proves that his reputations means a lot to him when he says, For no ught I did in hate, but all in honour. Othello believed that reputation was everything, because of his status as a general and the fact that those under him and above him respected him. Othellos reputation played a big role in the outcome of the play and in part caused Desdemonas death and his own.

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