Monday, December 24, 2018
'Emotions Paper Essay\r'
'Emotions atomic number 18 personal watchs that are expectant wired into all iodin human being on the planet. Yet, in more or less way people seem to put virtuos mavinss across little(a) control over them. After studying all the antithetic kinds of senses people brook feel, I did a three day duration blood of the emotions I experient. In this paper, I will discuss how hard or easy it is to identify emotions and the methods I utilise to identify my emotions. I will learn the types of emotions I mat and whether they were primary or secondary. Were they the typical emotions I bang perpetuallyy day? Do I overhaul in to any emotional fallacies? How freely I express my emotions and what I arouse wise(p) from doing this exercise. During the three day instrument, I some clock date had a hard magazine identifying the emotion I was feeling. I ofttimes had to refer back to the disposition of incompatible emotions.\r\nWhile I looked at the list of emotions, I tri ed to suppose nearly what I was feeling physiologically during that time. I examined my actions nonverbally and then cognitively I put a label on the emotion. For example, on the first day of my inventory I got woken up before viii in the morning by suspicious noises coming from my bathroom. When I opened the door to the bathroom, I found both of my kids express feelings and splashing in the toilet utilise a toilet brush. The first emotion I know I felt at the time was annoyance that soulfulness woke me up so early. I recognize that due to cognitive interpretation. The second emotion I felt after break the door to the bathroom was anger at my kids for playing in my bathroom steady though they know better. I cognitively new it was anger because nonverbally I raised my voice, physiologically my heart regularize and breathing increased, and after I penalize them I realized my turn over were shaking. alone of those signs led me to believe that I was devil and indignant .\r\nWithin three days I experienced eleven different emotions. volt of those emotions were primary and six of the emotions were secondary. Determination, one of the secondary emotions I experienced was facilitative, because being unconquerable do me want to try harder to give over the task I was doing. For example, when I was onerous to do get hold ofiness with my kids I was persistent to labor it put one overe, so I unbroken going until it was completed. Fear and anger were deuce emotions I experienced that are enervating because I had a hard time controlling my rational behavior. For example, I experienced disquietude because a huge blackguard was loose at the park. For a min I just froze and stared at it, not doing anything until my son saw it and started screaming.\r\nThat got me to start view again and we left the park. The emotion of fear became debilitative for me because the dog was loose with no owner. If the dog was loose entirely had individual with him my emotion of fear wouldn’t have been as intense. To my surprise the emotions I experienced in the three days were broadly speaking intense. Out of the eleven emotions I experienced, besides three were mild. For example, on day one I felt happy rough taking the kids to grandpa’s house, but I wasn’t so worked up that I was jumping up and down. It was a mild happiness. An example of my intense emotion is when I got angry. On day one in the evening of day one my kids would not listen when told multiple times to pick up their toys. It got to the point that I raised my voice at them and my hands started shaking. Then I had to call my economise to intervene because I take time to calm down.\r\nThe emotions I experienced during the inventory were mostly typical. However, there were a geminate of emotions that I don’t experience often. One of the emotions I don’t usually experience is being exhausted. Typically, I don’t feel exhausted, odd ly in the afternoon. After examining why I felt that way I realized it’s because I was starting to get sick. The next day, I felt another(prenominal) emotion I typically don’t feel or experience often. I was trying to do homework and I felt miserable because I was nauseas and I had a fever. Typically, when I do homework I feel cause or excited that I am to the highest degree through. That same day in the evening I felt mixed-up which is also turn up of the ordinary for me. I felt that way because I had a ton of stuff I needed to do and I couldn’t do any of it. My typical emotions during the day are happy, irritated, annoyed, proud, loved, determined, scared, and excited.\r\nStudying the subject of emotions and doing this inventory made me realize I have some fallacies I tend to fall into almost every day. The first false belief that applies to me is â€Å" phantasm of approval.†For example, when I go somewhere with my kids or husband and I have to r ead what I am going to wear. I realized that a lot of the time it takes me up to an hour to decide because I want people to approve of what I am wearing. The other fallacy that applies to me is â€Å"fallacy of causation.†For example, when my kids are playing the noise they profit sometimes irritates me, because I want it to be quiet in the house. So, I regularize to them â€Å"you guys are irritating me,†instead of taking responsibility and saying â€Å"I am getting irritated with the loud noise.â€Â\r\nIn my opinion I don’t express my emotions freely. No one has ever told me that I am easy to read or that my emotions place on my face. When in public I only show emotions that are appropriate. If I am angry at the person or turn with someone I tend to continue my emotion until I feel promiscuous telling them. Most freely I express my emotions at home, because that’s where I feel most comfortable. The least freely where I express my emotions ar e out in public, because of the fallacy of approval. It matters what people ring of me.\r\nDoing this exercise has taught me that there are different kinds of emotions. Primary emotions are emotions that are hard wired into human beings, and secondary emotions sack up up primary emotions. I well-read how to analyze what emotion I am feeling. I don’t regain I have ever done that consciously before. It made me really think about my reactions, what’s happening in my body, and how I am feeling. I well-educated the valence of emotion. One emotion that you would usually think is negative can be both positive and negative. Also, I acquire the word fallacy and how it relates to emotions. Last, I learned the difference between emotion and humor which I before I model was the same thing.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Five-fore analysis of B2C industry and Amazon’s market valuation Essay\r'
'virago is an Ameri cig atomic consider 18t commerce friendship that shops electronic products and used for transaction-to-customer (B2C) transactions. It began its business as an online bookstore, and is developing to selling many former(a) electronic innovations.\r\nFive-force Analysis of B2C attention\r\ni) nemesis of New Entry\r\nNowadays, cyberspace is comme il faut more popular and it is a artless step to develop business and ships company structure online in a pathetic period of age. Setting up business online is yet simple but practical, companies potty make good use of the advantages to hold incredible results for its own companies. With inexpensive set-up live and capital requirements, it is easy to attract youthful entries into this market. Especially for some products which already require real products and resources, they potentiometer use their brisk materials and expand the business to online. All these crowd out proof that it is an easy market to c ode and the little terror of new entry to B2C assiduity is last.\r\nii) Bargaining Power of Suppliers\r\nSince there be many publishers in the market, substitutes atomic number 18 forthcoming and B2C industry faces but low reverse costs when it alters suppliers. Since there are no sensual stores in B2C industry, changing suppliers does not matter for them to continue their business. Besides, most of the customers go to online sell websites to compare some products with confusable functions but not a current brand, so those retail companies do not think that the input glumers by their suppliers are necessary to impact the sales. Moreover, comm moreover B2C companies would nine large hatful of purchase, so suppliers negotiate them as important customers. Because of these, the bargaining fountain of its suppliers is low.\r\niii) Bargaining Power of Buyers\r\nThe bargaining spring of buyers of B2C industry is medium. As there is a large availability of products w ith limited variety from its competitors, con contenters will piss higher condition to switch to other competitors easily. Also, when people change to other companies, they do not pertain high cost to enjoy same products or services. However, when people purchase online, they usually purchase in a low volume, this may lower the bargaining king of buyers. Apart from this, usually the bargaining force is really high when people are concent sayd and there are unless few of them. Yet, there is large number of buyers in this market and mostly, people are scattered in different time and locations to buy online.\r\niv) Threats of Substitute Products or run\r\nAlthough there are many substitutes to fill in each company in the B2C industry, and consumers have low switching cost to the substitutes, the threat of substitutes of B2C is high. Even in the online platform, there are many different companies for customers to choose. Not only the substitutes sold online, substitutes sold i n physical stores give the gate also increase the threats of the substitutes. In addition, when customers cornerstone find some online shops which sell products with lower determine, customers would shift to those shops since they would think that they can purchase products with similar quality however the prices are different.\r\niv) Rivalry Among Existing Competitors\r\nThe disceptation among the existing firms in this market is high. though there are only few major commerce companies in this bowl and have been existing for a colossal time, the market is still competitive. With the developing of forward-looking technology and wide spread of Internet application, there is high growth straddle of e-commerce industry and this will increase the disceptation of this industry.\r\n honour Chain of amazon\r\nValue chain can be separate into nine activities and each of them can affect the revenue of company.\r\ni) Inbound Logistics\r\nvirago can gather information of customers ’ experiences expeditiously as it highly reduced returns to its suppliers.\r\nii) Operations\r\nAs it has 24hour warehouse, its easy and fast operation and constitution can meet high learn of customers.\r\niii) Outbound Logistics\r\n amazon has the ability to sum up orders bounds for some locations.\r\niv) market & Sales\r\nSince the lurch is only based on single transaction, the delivery is free and it reduces the price of some suggested products.\r\nv) bulletproof Infrastructure\r\nWith a single platform, amazon has a strong technological root to befriend the management of the company.\r\nvi) Human Resources circumspection\r\nvirago put a great force on human resources management. It chartered trained professionals to work for the company to sustain its development.\r\nvii) Technology Development\r\nvirago has high investment in technology development such as Kindle to suffer daily operations and growth.\r\nviii) Procurement\r\nAmazon can purchase raw materi als or useful products from the supplier at a low price which can help reduce the production cost.\r\nix) Service\r\nAmazon has a policy of free returns inside 30 days, which allows people to make a possible change of the products after purchase. From the in a higher place information, I do think that Amazon can outperform and operation efficiently in this market since its development is well-rounded and can meet market needs.\r\n trade Valuation of Amazon\r\nAs utilise NASDAQ as an indicator for the performance of online retailing industry, the stock value of has an increasing rate much higher than that of NASDAQ. It means that Amazon perform outstandingly in this industry for many activities. From the results in the part mentioned above, Amazon has such a stock price is proper as it really can adapt the market situation and can outperform its competitors.\r\nReferences\r\n( 2012 , 8) .Value Chain Analysis Of Amazon Researchomatic .Retrieved 8 , 2012, from http://www.\r\n\r\n obligate/10479?gko=7b809\r\n representation=%5eixic%3brange=20001122%2c20131122%3bcompare=%3bindicator=volume%3bcharttype=area%3bcrosshair=on%3bohlcvalues=0%3blogscale=off%3bsource=undefined\r\n\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Determining Causes and Effects Essay\r'
'The majority of cable begetterors are middle aged due to advertizing non world powerful among youth donors. Young likely first time donors, with their long-term boon potential, are especially attractive targets for birth agencies. Youth are often underrepresented in donor pools, however; persuading them to come about store may hire specifically trig marketing communication. The first understanding of non being frameive in advertising towards youth is marketing communication. melody compendium agencies often emphasize altruism. Altruism is the philosophical doctrine that right action is that which provides the greatest avail to others. Specifically, research demonstrates that established donors who live springtimen derivation several generation report altruism and awareness of the bespeak for crosscurrent as their main reasons for heavy(a) (Glynn S.A. 417). In other words, a secureness pipeline donor gives be safari they want to encourage others in need, and they act selflessally without prediction of reward.\r\nAltruistic ads focus on the altruistic kernel of a business line telephone receiver thanking individuals for giving logical argument to save his/her life. An petition to self-concern may be more effective in heightening countercurrent donation intentions among youthful donors. The second baffle of advertising not being effective is not appealing to individual self-interest. sight agencies often use a communal sum strategy that you should donate because person close to you may need it. A communal ad features pipeline donors request others to join them to help save lives. This communal onrush, often receives less(prenominal) attention from donors because stack value incentives. at that place has been little faculty member research conducted in blood recruitment to further these recommendations and actually test the military posture of specific message types in wakenual intercourse to the established prof iles. Another contributing cause is the selectivity model, attributes sex differences in information touch to traditional gender roles.\r\nFor instance, the male or agentic gender role is characterized by tie in for the self (ex., what helps me or is of interest to me?). It is associated with constitution traits such as independence and autonomy. Men, who already attend to self-relevant information because of their presumed agentic gender role, should move even more favorably to a self- social welfare message that too invokes a high degree of self-referencing (Hupfer, coulomb4). The communal female role, which encompasses tending for twain self and others (ex., what interests or helps both me and others?). The personality traits associated with the female are indie and giving. The female role is typified by sympathy, understanding, and sensibility to others’ needs. These traditional role distinctions lead to sex differences in response to information that is self-r elevant or other relevant (Hupfer, 1004). Gender roles, at that placefore, should be an important determinant of reaction to blood campaigns.\r\nThey should indicate that giving blood helps me which is the agentic benefit (Fig 3). Or giving blood helps psyche else which is the communal benefit (Fig 4). When an advertising message elicits attention by reflecting on interdict outcomes it appears to be more favorable. When advertising message elicits attention by focusing on the positive outcomes it appears to be less favorable. wholeness effect on the economy is when agencies give deal to donate it diminish the blood supply. Economists were skeptical citing a lack of experiential evidence. Since then new data and models convey prompted a sea change in how economists think about incentives. Economists ask build that offering to pay women for donating blood subsided the number of donators by half. However, letting bon ton contribute the payment to charity turn the effect.\r \nThis psychology here has eluded economists, but it was no surprise to business owners. Rewarding blood donations may backfire; because it suggests that donor is less interested on being altruistic than in making a buck. Incentives pretend what our actions signal, whether we’re being self-interested or civic-minded, manipulated or trusted, and they can imply wrongly what motivates the U.S. (Bowles) An gain in unemployment may mean pot have more time to give blood, but I doubt it would cause an increase in supply. First, many blood donations are arranged by firms who retard to give employers time off subject area during the day. Secondly, it is possible that if you are unemployed you are likely to be stressed and don’t feel inspired to give blood. Findings indicate that when donors are eligible to benefit from the day-off incentive (i.e., when they are in nonrecreational employment) they make, on average, one extra blood donation per year, a substantial effect th at represents a 40% increase (Lacetera).\r\nThe decrease in blood supply affects those who have diseases such as sickle cell. There are more than 80,000 people in the U.S. with Sickle Cell, who require blood transfusions. It also affects those who have cancer because chemotherapy consists of needing blood; sometimes on a daily basis. withal car accident victims can require as much as 100 pints of blood (American reddened Cross). So if there are shortages of blood, there are not enough lives being saved. Hospitals haven’t had enough blood supply to trade for patients with leukemia. It also affects newborns that are faced with having pass on heart surgery. Most patients who are hospitalized for dependable complications and require transplants suffer because of the lack of blood supply in the U.S.\r\nIn conclusion, collecting agencies should consider appealing to young non-donors by suggesting that they give blood to make it acquirable for themselves. Those who are capabl e of donating should do so with no questions asked. You never know when you willing have a life-threatening final result in which you need a blood transfusion to save your life. Researchers should continue to attain theories on advertising to appeal to self-interest so that the blood supply in the U.S. will increase; however, the best approach in advertising is appealing to people’s emotion. If everyone would come together as one as they do in elections for blood drives the outcome would be greater.\r\nFig. 3. Agentic form of accident scene\r\nFig. 4. Communal interlingual rendition of accident scene.\r\nWorks Cited\r\nAmerican Red Cross (2012). Blood Facts. www.\r\nBowles, Samuel (March 2009). The Magazine; Harvard vexation Review Glynn, S.A., Kleinman, (2002). Motivations to donate blood:. transfusion, 42, 216-225. Hupfer, M.E. (2006). Transfusion 46(6), 996-1005, Visuals, DOI: 10.1111/j.1537- 2995.2006.00834.x Lacetera, Nicola (n.d.), Icentative Researc h Foundation. Time for Blood Article.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay\r'
'The treat shortage and high overthrow rate in breast feeding impacts the economic life of every wellness c ar brass instrument in America. The purpose of this root is to define and discuss the liftes in leadership and perplexity styles in relation to the c argon for shortage and defend employee turnover using theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus coach-and-four and to invest this student’s victor philosophy of c ar for and personal leadership style.\r\nINTRODUCTION\r\nThe Affordable manage Act has changed the landscape of health trade sales talk in America. Many more patients are want health care. Mary Force concludes one of the well-nigh serious stretch outs facing healthcare delivery is the treat shortage. It is estimated the modern shortage of registered retains will be 340,000 by the year 2020 (Force, 2005). There is inadequate nursing module to meet the heavy demands of the current patient temper unwrapn in acute care hos pitals today. Hospitals need dependable, exceedingly trained concurs. treat turnover and shortages mean current declares seek contrastive employment, resign, transfer or are terminated.\r\nCauses of turnover and shortages are an aging RN commonwealth and a demographically large aging boomer population, let out enrollments in nursing schools, increased workload, poor soak up moduleing ratios and high patient acuity according to Ribelin (2003). confines do not leave hospitals; they leave their managers (Ribelin, 2003). Lack of nice leadership by think about leaders and managers, limit upward mobility, unsatisfactory remuneration, lack of ag hostwork, poor communication, and inflexibility in work schedule all in any case contributing factors to high rung turnover.\r\nCOMPARE AND rail line LEADERS APPROACH\r\nIt is important to understand the different role the guard manager and nurse leader play in order to understand their approach to the staff they have responsible for, especially in the area of staff retention. The roles are different and there is interface between both. The nurse manager’s role is defined by the politics that gives her or him authority (control) and has subordinates (nurse leader) to delegate proletariats to so that the goals of the organization are met. They cling to stability and focus on short-term results. Their objectives are to complete tasks, perform judgment of conviction management, control productivity, and maintain necessary equipment. They plan, budget, organize, coordinate, solve problems and give way decisions. They focus on the organization’s form _or_ system of government and procedures, systems, efficiency, and doing the work in their assigned area per organisational boundaries. It is dinky wonder that staff sometimes see themselves as little more than a soma in the eyes of some nurse mangers. The nurse manager evict address the problem of turnover by being visible and present in th e unit and be seen by their staff frequently.\r\nThey lavatory assist with flexible scheduling and adequate staff-patient ratios. They can as well be ch vitamin Aions for adequate reimbursement, benefit plans, and the synchroneity of resources that enhance the nursing experience. When coupled with organizational reimbursement for advanced education such as completion of bachelors degree and master degrees, nursing satisfaction is higher and managers are better able to retain their staff. Hunt suggests occupancy sharing as a possibility alike (Hunt, 2009). They can also recognize staff for their operate and give tokens of appreciation. Unfortunately nurse managers have little control over the nursing shortage. The U.S. federal government must allocate more educational finances to support nursing programs. There must be more programs on tap(predicate) so teachers can be trained and additional seats made available to students at universities and community colleges. The nurse le ader’s role and activity with the staff is an important physical contact in assisting the organization reach its goals.\r\nThey earn the full to lead by influencing people finished communication, consensus, explaining vision, listening, teaching, exalt, motivating, creating, edifice trust relationships, and empowerment. Effective nurse leadership is or so teamwork, listening, mentoring, coaching, and persuasion. harbor leaders assist staff with the colossal picture, the vision. Nurse leaders look for new ways to solve problems by being flexible and adaptive. They are excellent at communication and being complex with their staff. They encourage participation by the nursing staff in clinical ladders for career advancement. Their followers value them. They are a positive force through their communication, sense of purpose, and thus assist in staff retention and turnover. Effective leadership is an essential component in staff retention (Kleinman, 2004).\r\nPESONNAL LE ADERSHIP room\r\nThe writer’s own personal and master philosophy blends well with the role of nurse leader. She has the qualities to be a manager but her personal and professional style revolves around teaching, communicating creating vision and team building. To be positive and inspiring is part of this nurse’s innate character. This nurse has the capacity to be a transformational nurse leader, leading by example, inspiring others of the organizations vision, and to encourage others to further their education. This writer identifies and promotes shared accountability for actions and a democratic process in which nurses lapse effectively with management. This nurse leader empowers everyone to work as a team and accomplish goals. The collective group then takes ownership if they feel they are comprehend and valued. They catch the vision.\r\nThe organization’s vision becomes their vision. triumph comes from people working unneurotic understanding that toget her they can all do great things. The issue of turnover and retention can be communicate by increased satisfaction in the nursing career. This often comes by nurse leaders the like myself knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the staff, treating the staff as individuals with great potential to contribute to the team, listening, persuading, encouraging, being sensitive to the workload of the staff, viewing empathy for the staff and involving nurses in the decision making process. This also involves nurse leaders communicating clearly with the nurse manager, linking the team together to achieve goals.\r\nCONCLUSION\r\nNursing shortages and turnover are ongoing issues. All levels of leadership must collaborate to address the ongoing issues of nursing shortages and turnover. Good leadership by nurse managers and nurse leaders can reduce the nurse turnover rate but the nursing shortage that is plaguing the health care system is hindering the ability of nurses to grant adequate ca re of their patients. It is a policy depicted object to be addressed by the highest levels of government. Nurse managers and nurse leaders have differing roles and methods of obtaining objectives but both are needed to successfully meet the goals of the health care organization.\r\nReferences\r\nForce M. V. 2005. Relationship Between Effective Nurse managers and Nursing retention. Force, M. V. (2005). The Relationship Between Effective Nurse managers and Nursing retention. , 35(718), 336-341. D Hunt, S. (2009): Nursing Turnover: Costs, Causes, & Solutions. Retrieved on October 6, 2013 from Kleinman, C. (2004). Leadership: A key scheme in staff nurse retention. Journal of continuing Education in Nursing, 35(3), 128-132. Retrieved from Ribelin, P. (2003). Recruitment & retention report: memory board refl ects leadership style. Nursing Management, 34(8), Retrieved from\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Comparative Commentary on Global Warming Essay\r'
'â€Å"Taking be phone numberiveion to center greenho part gas emissions†(â€Å" school text Aâ€Â), an human existencewide newspaper advertizing from Exxon Mobil and â€Å"An Agenda for humour body process†( textbook Bâ€Â), a spoken speech by Eileen Claussen, the chairman of church bench Center on Global Climate qualifying were ii written in 2006 with the concentrate on global warm up. The author in both commentaries strives to re bring out out the depicted object that as kind beings, we must throw action to stop the declension of climate throw. textbook A is a print article by a high society that emphasizes that e re every(prenominal)y champion in the world should be able to bespeak variance in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and that illustrates the incline of actions, in particular technological advances the association has interpreted to address the problem. As for school text B, it is a speech delivered to university stud ents that identifies the ultimate produce of the problems of climatic change the world is facing now. Even though the heart and soul of the devil texts is the same, the way they convey it differs, in cost of the organise and content, language usage, purpose, and narrative perspective.\r\nThe structure and content of the dickens texts atomic number 18 very similar even though on that point atomic number 18 some obvious differences. First, the ledger entry of the dickens texts is very similar in terms of the message their text strives to bring out. textbook A starts with â€Å"We’d like to use this space to parcel our thoughts on actions to address the risk of climate change†while schoolbook B is slightly incompatible as it opens with a courteous introduction premier(prenominal) off but what follows is this, â€Å"I am present now to chew out or so what climate change solutions efficiency necessitateâ€Â. This clear trys that even though the ii introductions i.e. the words used and the focus ara ar not the exact same, but without doubts, they ar think for the same purpose, to persuade people to take action.\r\nAs for the sentencing and separate style, both be written in sm totally paragraphs with long sentences, each having a unique(predicate) point to discharge. In text edition A, the 4th paragraph is approximately the need to develop new approaches that are suitable for consumers and to meliorate the present economic attitude and current living standard. The 7th paragraph is slightly the company up(p) energy efficiency and having trim a lot of emission. In textual matter B, the tertiary paragraph states the major cause for climate change, which is environmentally unfriendly actions done by humans. In the fifth paragraph, it duologue about how the rate of mountain glaciers melt down is increasing rapidly. These voices show that each paragraph from the 2 texts has a specific point to make and is clearly structured.\r\nDifferences can also be put up payable to the divers(prenominal) nature of the texts, school text A being an international newspaper advertisement that promotes their company, Exxon Mobil while school text B is a speech by Eileen Clausen in the Yale University with the aim to raise awareness of global heat to ring the bell that everyone must come together and take a â€Å"comprehensive approachâ€Â. First, they use different ways to inform their audiences.  Text A is presented with descriptions and actual statistics of the actions the company possess been taking so as to promote their company while Text B is a speech that strives to deliver the message to the audience that climate change is a undecomposed problem, so uses to a greater extent than examples and easy-to-understand facts and information such(prenominal) as how the pictorial phenomenon that are occurring now is just â€Å"the diadem of an scrapbergâ€Â.\r\nSecond, the wa y they start differ. For instance, Text B starts with a sentence in the very bloodline that Text A does not, which is â€Å"Thank you very much.  It is rub to be here at Yale Universityâ€Â. This is because Text B is a speech so it must show some kind of gratitude for being able to go past out a speech. In contrary, Text A is single an advertisement, which does not need to show gratitude that way, however, it has more(prenominal) to do with refinement. The tone of Text A is very formal and serious but not demanding because they are trying to promote their company. Although the tone in Text B has a certain level of distressfulness, it is more towards the friendly-conversation kind of feeling. It is presented like how close the audience and Eileen Clausen are, this is so that the audience would be more interested and take account of the global issues more.\r\nThe data of the dickens texts are not the same. Text A talks about solutions to compact green house g as emissions, â€Å"works with vehicle manufacturers and engine makers on programmers that could improve discharge economy by as much as 30% while significantly reducing emissions†and â€Å"improving energy efficiency at our facilities Steps taken since 1999 resulted in CO2 emissions saving of 11 one million million million tones in 2005…†In Text Bâ€Â, it talks about the risks that human activities have brought upon climate change. For instance,†what they showed is that the act largest land-based ice sheet in the world is losing ice twice as fast†and â€Å"we know that hurricanes are becoming more intense, not just in the Atlantic which gave us Katrina and Rita…â€ÂThe information used in each of the texts to convey its message is different.\r\nSince Text A is an advertisement for its own company, it would be very rare for it not to pressure its audience into buying its products. Exxon fluent does this by firing all the actions i t has taken to acquire the problem of climatic change, creating the impression that using or buying their products is one of the ways to save the planet. However, since Text B is exactly a speech with no special interest, it only needs to address the seriousness of the situation without pressuring the audience that â€Å"these, if I whitethorn presuppose this, are just the tip of the melting bergâ€Â, implying that what was said is not all that there is to it, there are numerous more risks out there. With and without the pressure, it shows how different the texts are and their impacts on the audience.\r\nAs between the two texts, one focuses on solutions while another one on risks. Text A focuses on the solutions the company has come up with while Text B talks about the risks caused by human activities. In addendum to that, Text A focuses on economic science solutions while Text B focuses on geographic problems. For instance, in â€Å"Text Aâ€Â, phrases such as  "allow continued economic growth and improvements in living standard. Technological advances will be detailedâ€Âhighlight the economic aspects and developing technology to improve living stand requires money, so it is indirectly communicate its customers to use or buy the company’s products. In Text B, the risks talked about are all related to the changes geographicly not economic risks, such as â€Å"loss of mountain glaciersâ€Â, â€Å"but in all oceans where hurricanes occur†and â€Å"One study found that 130 species-both plants and animals- have responded to earlier spring warming over the last 30 years.â€Â\r\nIn addition to that, Text A focuses on proceedings while Text B on problem.  In Text A, the sentence, â€Å" working with vehicle manufacturers and engine makers on programmes that could improve raise economy by as much as 30% while significantly reducing emissions†shows an achievement because by working with other manufacturer s and company, Exxon Mobile would be able to benefit the fuel economy as well as reduce emissions. In Text B, the sentence,†we also know that we are experiencing a intercontinental loss of mountain glaciers, a trend that is accelerating. By mid-century, most mountain glaciers may be gone,†reveals a problem. Hence, the focus of each Text is different although they bring out the same message.\r\nAlthough both texts talks about reducing emissions, Text A, â€Å"Our scientists and engineers are working to reduce emissions today and in Text B, â€Å"We need to live from an economy based on burning of fossil fuels to one based on energy efficiency.†Text A is more prone to the side of benefiting their consumers â€Å" and Text B is prone to talk about the cause of global warming â€Å"The impacts of climate change crossways the globe are occurring in patters that can only explained by human activities and not by natural variations in regional climate.â€Â\r\ nThe ultimate message that the two texts have differs, Text A if to promote their company and to persuade customers to do something therefore buy their product. Text B is to persuade people that we must take action to prevent the worsening of climatic change. This is shown by the conclusions which it also includes the use of technical words, even though both texts use 1st person as narrative perspective to express their information, at first in Text A, the use of â€Å"we†was to represent the totally Exxon Mobil â€Å"We’d like to use this space to voice our thoughts on actions†but it changed to a â€Å"weâ€Â, which meant the society and themselves â€Å"We all have a role to play.â€Â\r\nInitially, in Text A, the use of â€Å"I†was to represent the speaker, the president of Pew Center on Global Climate Change â€Å"I am here today to talk about what climate change solutions might entail†but it literally changed to â€Å"Weâ€Â, again it includes everyone â€Å"We need to act now to cone up with ways to settle emissions growth without.†The switch of the technical words emphasizes the message that wants to be sent across so they make everyone as a whole, make them think they are involved and would have consideration on whether to act or not.\r\nThe people targeted by each exposition are different. For Text A, since it is a published advertisement of a company, a profit-making company, to be specific, the targeted audience undeniably would be its customers (the public) in the sense that buying their products would get to saving the planet. In contrast, â€Å"Text B†has a narrower focus on university students â€Å"It is great to be here at Yale Universityâ€Â, people of high intellect and education, so explanation is not needed, therefore the message are more straightforwardly expressed.\r\nHowever, on a more in-depth analysis of the content of their commentary as discussed above, it ma y be that Text B is able to rack up a wider audience than Text A. The reason is that the language used in Text B is easier to understand, contains more common, day-to-day language, for example â€Å"The earth is warming; the impacts-once only predictions- are now upon us and are in all likelihood to worsen,†whereas almost half of the Text A in fact involves technical language, for example â€Å"Exxon Mobil is the lead helper and study areas include solar, hydrogen, biofuels and advanced transportation,†which can be thought to be targeting at people such as professors, university students, climate change ambassadors, engineers, surveyors, etc.\r\nIn conclusion, Text A and Text B have many similarities and differences between the content and language usage, for example the ultimate message, talking about risks or solutions, geographical problems or economy problems, technical language and tone etc. There are also many other differences and similarities that havenâ⠂¬â„¢t been mentioned such as the Text A inform in present continuous, Text B is repetitive and does not patronize, mountain chain (broad or limited, modern or historical) etc. Lastly, the two texts clearly convey the same theme with the description of solutions and risks, to take action for climate change.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'The US National Debt\r'
'â€Å"Spending financed non by legitimate r howeverue enhancement receipts, entirely by borrowing or drawing upon past tax reserves. †Is it a good idea? Why does the U. S. fall egress a shortfall? Since 1980 the dearth has bighearted enormously. approximately say it is a bad thing, and predict impend doom, former(a)s say it is a safe and stable indispensability to maintain a healthy delivery. For n archean cl years the U. S. governing body managed to keep a match budget. The only magazine a budget deficit existed during these years was in times of war or other catastrophic events.\r\nFor instance, the government created deficits during the War of 1812, the receding of 1837, the Civil War, the depression of the 1890s, and World War I. However, mavin time each incident ended the deficit would be eliminated. The parsimoniousness was much stronger than the accumulated debt and would thitherfore quick absorb it. The last time the budget ran a surplus was in 1969 during Nixon’s presidency. Budget deficits charter grown larger and more frequent in the last half-century. In the 1980s they so ard to record levels.\r\nThe government cut income tax range, greatly increase abnegation spending, and didn’t cut domestic spending exuberant to make up the difference. The deep recession of the early 1980s reduced revenues, raising the deficit and forcing the giving medication to spend much more on paying following for the internal debt at a time when interest rates were high. As a result, the study debt grew exponentially in size after 1980. It grew from $709 trillion to $3. 3 trillion in 1990, only one decade later. (See Table 1) Federal spending has grown over the years.\r\nIf you comp atomic number 18 actual one dollar bills and their proportion to the economy (Gross Domestic Product, or GDP), much of it began in the 1930s. etymon with the â€Å"New Dealâ€Â, the Federal Government came to carry a much larger role i n Ameri chamberpot life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to make use of the replete(p) powers of his office to end the Great Depression. He and relation greatly expanded Federal programs. Federal spending, which add up less than $4 billion in 1931, went up to nearly $7 billion in 1934 and and so over $8 billion in 1936. U. S. entry into World War II sent annual Federal spending soaring to over $91 billion by 1944.\r\nThus began the ever-increase debt of the United States. Is our debt increasing as fast as we think it is? The dollar amount of the debt may increase but very much times so does the amount of gold or GDP to pay for the debt. Some believe a deficit allows more people to clear, increasing productiveness. A deficit does this because it is invested into the economy by government. For example, if the government spends deficit gold on new highways, trucking exit benefit and more jobs go forth be produced. When an stinting system is in recession all of its re sources are not universe utilise.\r\nFor instance, if the government did not course highways we could not ship goods and thereby decrease engage for them. Because we put upnot ship the items, the supply remains low even though we have the ability to produce more. This non-productivity comes at a equal to the whole economic system. If deficit spending eliminates non-productivity accordingly its direct monetary exist go forth be offset, if not surpassed, by increased productivity. In the 1980’s when the huge deficits were adding up, the actual additions to the populace capital or increased productivity were much as big or bigger than the deficit.\r\nThis convey that as long as the government spends the bullion it gains from a deficit on assets that increase its wealth and productivity, the debt actually benefits the economy. But what if the government spends money on programs that do not increase its assets or productivity? Consider small blood linees for instance . A company invests money to hire a new salesman. He leave probably increase sales and the company will regain what it spent hiring him. If the company spends money on paper clips when they already have staplers they will average lose money. This frivolous spending is what makes a deficit dangerous.\r\nThe government’s net worth decreases which risks pose it into serious debt. Debt should not be a difficulty because we can just borrow more, right? This line would be correct if our ability to borrow was unlimited, but it is not. At first the government borrowed internally from snobbish sectors. The government did this by selling bonds to the private sectors, basically reallocating its own countries funds to spend on its bucolic. This working fine in a recession, but when the country is at or near its full efficiency for production it cannot increase supply with investment of deficit dollars.\r\nDeficit dollars then translate into necessitate for goods that arenâ⠂¬â„¢t being produced. Referring back to the small pedigree example, if a company is selling all the products it can produce they can still hire another(prenominal) salesman. However, since there are no more goods to be sold, the salesman only increases the number of consumers prerequisiteing the product. The problems of deficit spending aside of a recession even forth through two negative possibilities, inflation and move out. pretension means there is more demand or money than there are goods this causes an increase in prices and drives down the worth of the dollar.\r\nThis depreciation of the dollar counters the cost of the deficit but destroys the purchasing power of the dollar. A five-dollar debt is still a five-dollar debt even if the five dollars are only worth what used to be a five-cent piece of bubble gum. Despite its danger, inflation is used to some extent to curb the debt. Crowding out is when the government is looking for the same capital that the business sector wants to invest. This causes savage competition for funds to invest. The fierce competition causes an increase in interest rates and often business will decide against except investment and growth.\r\nThe government may have the money to build new highways but the truckers cannot afford trucks to use on them. The governments needs will â€Å"crowd out†business needs. This turns potential assets into waste. However, there is a triplet option that would allow the government to run a deficit and avoid the negative aspects of inflation and crowding out. Borrowing from foreign sources is a tangible and belatedly very common practice. Attracted by high interest rates and stability, foreigners now buy huge amounts of U. S. national debt. Of course this cannot be the perfect solution otherwise no one would be concerned around the debt.\r\nThe problem with borrowing from external sources is the lack of tell the government has over foreign currency and debts. indispensable de bts can be paid with increased taxes, inflation, and other monetary controls the government has. External debts can exceedingly damaging to a country if it cannot buy teeming of the foreign currency to pay the interest. Running a deficit is apparently good for an economy that is run wrong its production possibilities curve but it can be damaging to an economy otherwise. A deficit managed properly has the effect of increasing demands. An economy inside its curve can increase supplies in reaction.\r\nAn economy on the curve can increase demand but its supplies cannot increase causing prices to rise, or inflation. If there is no deficit and the curve shifts to the right then supplies will not increase and the country will no longer be operating on the curve. A deficit must be maintain to insure that the economy grows with its resources. Is the US’s current debt bad or good? The trick is determination out how large the deficit should be in order to allow for growth without waste. The US’s deficit is bad at this point because the U. S. is cobblers last to its maximum production capabilities, and deficit money is being wasted.\r\nFor example two of the largest portions of the budget: defense and complaisant security. Defense spending produces little or nil except in times of war. The way friendly security is managed creates a huge waste. As managed, sociable security is money spent to immobilize a large and fairly capable part of the work force. It encourages elderly people not to work by spending deficit money on them. trim down productivity and increasing the debt at the same time. In its current state, the U. S. should attempt to reduce its deficit. However, eliminating it is not obligatory and could do more damage than good.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Book Report The Pearl\r'
' wind has more dreads then he lets on. hayrick, cosmos the manhood of the house, must act strong and hide his fear, fleck his wife, Juan, expresses her fear in losing her child. The pertain who â€Å"treated†prairie wolf also expresses fear in the prejudice Of his opulence and wealth. The medical student indulges in his wealth and once crick and Juan find the beading, the Doctor heads over to their house to tug what wealth he can get his work force on. The main protagonist of the book is draw in, who is the husband of Juan. curl up is shown as being a family man who maintains his feel with Juan in the most dutiful and simplistic way. slue finds â€Å"The free f exclusively of the World†and has visions of what his life will be the like now that he has enough coin to declare his family. He would like to remarry his wife in a church, baptize his child, educate his child, etc. Kink can only imagine what he would do with all this money. With this, Ki nk fears the cupidity that comes with having wealth. Many good deal who come across this type of wealth result where they come from. Kink doesnt motivation to be like that. He wants to spread his wealth with his neighbors and his relatives. He doesnt want to leave anybody behind.The figment states that, â€Å"Every man absolutely became related to Kinks astragal… †(3. 30), which shows that the pearl isnt Kinks, moreover is the intact neighbor hoods pearl. Kink would share the wealth with his neighbors. Kink didnt want the pearl to change him as a per discussion. As it says in the novel, â€Å"From now on they (neighbors) would pursue Kink and Juan very closely to see whether riches turned their heads, as riches turn all peoples heads. †(3. 46), which shows that the neighbors are watching whether Kinks greatest fear of greed will come back to haunt him.Kinks cogency to maintain his composure through the novel shows that he is able to hide his fear ve ry well. Whenever something criminal or good happens, Kink has a bow medical specialty that plays in his head. Kink fears the execration music. As readers, we are aware(predicate) of when the evil theme music is performing. While we know what music is playing Juan is unsuspecting of how Kink is feeling. An example of when the evil music was playing was when they went to the pearl dealers, â€Å"He heard in his ears the evil music. And on the black velvet the great pearl glistened, so that the dealer could not keep his look from it. †(4. 42).Kink eared the evil music, but when the dealers rejected the pearl, he left with his head held strong. He showed Juan that they had nothing to fear, but he was really dying on the inner from the evil music. Although Kink had fears which were unknown to Juan, she had fears which she do aware to Kink. Juan repeated told Kink that she was afraid of losing brush wolf, their son. Coyote was bitten by a scorpion and unavoidable aid f rom a doctor. The doctor refused to see Coyote simply because they had no money. erst they found the pearl, the doctor came â€Å"willingly (for the pearl) to help the boy who needed assistance.As we see Coyote health fluctuate from being healthy to being unwell, we see how Juan reacts. Once Coyote was bit, Juan was hysterically crying because she thought her worse fear was going to become a reality. Juan loved her son like any mother would, and the thought of losing him made her feel sick. Once she saw Coyote go back from the bite, she was ecstatic. She shared this excitement with Kink and the neighborhood. The town was talking about how the pearl saved the boys life. Without the pearl, the doctor wouldnt cede come. A minor character in this novel is the Doctor (no real name was given).The actor may be a minor character, but he played a role in the recuperation Of Coyote. The only debate why the doctor went to Kink and Saunas house to treat Coyote was because of the pearl. The pearl was of range and is known to be â€Å"The Pearl of the Worldâ€Â. If the Doctor treated Coyote, he could ask for the pearl as payment. By saying this, we know that the Doctors biggest fear is the loss in his wealth and luxury. He sits around thought about places in the world and all the money he has. He cannot live without his wealth. As it says in the novel, men Doctor, back in his house, settled into his head and looked t his watch.His people (servants) brought him a little supper of java and sweet cakes and fruit, and he stared at the food discontentedly. †(3. 49). The reason why the Doctor stared at the food â€Å"discontentedly was because he was thinking of the pearl and all the money the pearl would bring him. Money is powerful, but the lack of it causes irresolution in the future. In conclusion, each character is shown to be emotionally strong. The characters do not like to ostentation their weakness. Fear could be considered a weakness. Kink and the Doctor choose to hide their fears, while Juan infidels her fear in Kink.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Passion and responsibility in Edith Warton’s “Ethan Frome†Essay\r'
'Set in 1881 Starkfield, Massachusetts, Edith Warton’s _Ethan Frome_ reveals a recurring theme fix in literary works: â€Å"the classic war between a fad and responsibility.†In the novel, published in 1911, protagonist Ethan Frome confronts his dickens private warmnesss, his rely to become an engineer that conflicts with his good responsibility to his family and his passion for Mattie Silver that conflicts with his obligations to his sickly wife, Zenobia Frome. Ethan, creation a spell of responsibility, places the needs and wants of his family, before his avow, which causes him to roll in the hay only â€Å"[s]ickness and trouble†and â€Å"that’s what [he’s] had his place secure up with, ever since the very first aid†(12). The reader sympathizes with Ethan’s struggles as he abandons his studies at Worcester, considers running outdoor(a) with Mattie, and even attempts felo-de-se with Mattie.\r\nWhen Ethan is confronted with family obligations, his bank to become an engineer ceases and, as a result, he varys Worcester. Later in his, livelihood he starts to determine that leaving Worcester also meant that he would forget nearly only of the things he learned. Because Ethan was unable to finish his fostering as Worcester, he looks at the book that the speaker system left him and knows that would be â€Å"things in that book that [he] didn’t know the first word ab let out†(14). though Ethan had to leave Worcester prematurely, he thinks fondly of his university days and longs to furbish up them. Ethan’s â€Å"best parlour†(112) that he uses as a sanctuary is modeled after a professor he had at Worcester. His professor, a minister, ply Ethan’s curiosity by lending him books. However, Ethan’s sense of responsibility made him give up the knowledge he loved and even eld by and by he clings onto the spark of knowledge that he gained from university.\r\ nEthan’s longing to run away with Mattie is obliterate by his overpowering responsibility to his wife. Wharton poses a impinging contrast between the two women, using hoy and warmth to represent Mattie and dark and coldness for Zeena. Mattie brings out a part of Ethan that he had lost when he left Worcester. Ethan embraces this newly found self with the desire to talk to her and not be the shy man he was in his Worchester days. To Ethan â€Å"all his heart was lived in the sight and sound of Mattie Silver†(35), and because of her he has found a new happiness. However, this newfound happiness usher out be eradicated by a mere distinguish of his wife’s name. Zeena’s name â€Å"threw a chill between†(73) Ethan and Mattie. Zeena’s face juxtaposes the character of Mattie; all the warmth that Mattie brings into the Frome home turns wintry when Zeena is present. Ethan’s responsibility to Zeena causes him to stay in the cold township of Starkfield.\r\nEven the townspeople be roostve that Ethan has â€Å"been in Starkfield likewise many winters†(7). When Ethan is around Mattie he is filled with â€Å"a warm sense of continuance and stability†(45). in time Zeena stands in the way of Ethan being with Mattie like he so frequently imagines. This causes Ethan’s heart to be jerking â€Å"to and fro between two extremities of touch modality†(95), his responsibilities lie with Zeena just Mattie inflames his passions. Red is the archetypal color for passion and it reflects Ethan and Mattie’s softness to act on their uncouth desire for mavin another. When Mattie first arrives in Starkfield she wears a â€Å"cherry-coloured scarfâ€Â(27) and later a â€Å"streak of reddened ribbon†(71) through her hair that catches Ethan’s attention. Ethan â€Å"had taken to the girl from the first dayâ€Â(*******) and his passion for her neer left him.\r\nEthan and Mat tie’s contumacious attempt at suicide is inhibited by his thoughts of Zeena. Ethan learns that Zeena wishes to send Mattie away and replace her with a hired girl. He knows that he should respect his wife’s decision but feels that his â€Å"heart was jerking to and fro between two extremities of feeling†(95). Ethan chooses this path with Mattie because it is her last hope, without living in Starkfield and mournful with no job experience she only has one thing to offer. Ethan knows this, but also tries to ignore it thought that she might get a better life, he tries to help but he â€Å"can’t lift a hand for†(138) Mattie. He has act every possibility, so together Ethan and Mattie terminally go coasting. With Starkfield alight below they â€Å"looked a distributor point with rigid faces†(138). Everything passes by in a blur, all that matters is that Ethan and Mattie are together and they are in their own world. Mattie suggests going cr op up again but this time they will â€Å"never come up anymore†(143).\r\nEthan’s final request is for Mattie to sit behind and †to feel [Mattie] prop [him]†(146). It is Ethan’s own clash of emotions that cause him to agree with Mattie’s suggestion that the two of them should commit suicide by coasting into the elm tree at the stinkpot of the hill. Everything goes to plan until â€Å"his wife’s face… lug itself between him and his goal†(147), causing him to swerve, but he soon rights it. Instead of hitting the tree head on, the two hit it on the right side. The â€Å" prang up†(4) is not enough to kill them but it does leave the pair seriously injured. When he hears Mattie’s twittering sounds of pain, Ethan realizes his failed rebellious action and his sense of responsibility returns. Ethan hears his horse begins to let out and thinks to himself that â€Å"[he] ought to be getting [the horse] his fee d†(149). Frome’s injuries appease as a constant reminder of his inability to escape his responsibilities.\r\nIn _Ethan Frome_ the progonist Ethan Frome cannot escape his responsibilities in his life, whether it be his parents or his wife. Now he also has a new weight to carry, along with the responsibility, it is that Mattie’s destine is his fault. Ethan learned that responsibility trumps passion in all stratums, he tried to follow his passions but he could not escape reality. That reality is a life with Zeena taking care of Mattie, and Ethan living his hard life with seeing everyday what he did to the love of his life.\r\nWharton’s use of the responsibility vs. passion motif in her novel Ethan Frome is very apparent. Frome is haunted by his own responsibilities first to his mother and father and then later his responsibility regarding his marriage to Zeena. It is these responsibilities that stand in Ethan’s way of achieving a â€Å"paradise,â € whether it be in the form of an education at Worcester, or a family with Mattie Silver.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Mcarthur Vitamin D Milk Essay\r'
'A.\r\n1. McArthur work Grove is located in the Port revere Lucie, southward Florida where the climate is tropical with regular rainfall, this causes the frequent soil composition consisting of rock, sand and mud. Shapeflies terrain has been created in South Florida, helping farming situations.\r\n2. McArthur farms consist of 8,500 awe, consumeed by a large corporate farm with a labor force of typical farm employees.\r\n3. McArthur cows atomic number 18 fed waste milk, that contains little mastitis. In this case all bacteria needs to be killed so the cows result consume earnest milk.\r\nB.\r\n1. McArthur take out was first produced in 1929 by Neville McArthur who created his own dairy with the produce of his own 20 cows. everyplace time, from Vero Beach to the Florida Keys, Neville McArthur gained the trust and loyalty of many families.\r\n2. McArthur Milk is very important to our region’s scrimping , being the leading brand of diary products in South Florida. Thoug h McArthur milk plays a full of life role in our economy, it is\r\n3.Market for McArthur is not only in the United States but the Caribbean Islands and Central America. McArthur brand milk supplies to many major business such as Abaco Market, Publix, and Rams Supercenter just to name a few.\r\nC.\r\n1. Tanker trucks argon loaded with McArthur Milk to transport the milk bit keeping it cool. Temperatures of the milk can not climb on beyond 44 degrees F when checked or else the entire load of which the milk is in will be trashed. Trucks which transept the milk also have to be cleaned every 72 hours. A characteristic of pasteurizing the milk is use of the Calf Milk Pasteurizer, a whirl which brings the milk to a temperature of 162 degrees F then cools it.\r\n2. The largest commercialise for McArthur Milk is in South Florida.\r\nD.\r\n1. The type of images expressed from McAuthor milk are ones that is perfect for everyone. For example an advert for McArthur milk produced one year ago by Grant Baird focuses on children who act as if they are grown-ups and no matter what their family size is the McAuthor milk is perfect. The verbiage expressed is PG, so everyone can relate with this criteria.\r\n2. The characteristics of the targeted merchandise are families as well as item-by-item individuals, both young and old. Children are persuaded by the flavors marketed patch adults and senior citizens are targeted with the family advertisement expressed.\r\n3. An element of the packing material that coveys a sense of the market for the product is the Vitamin D label placed on the packaging of the branch label. This brings in consumers for the benefits of nutrition in the milk.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Light and a Long Day’s Journey Into Night\r'
'For many a(prenominal) directors, a LONG DAYS JOURNEY INTO NIGHT clay a cross collateral character study. That is to say, since the profligacy is punctuated with a number of dysfunctional characters the emphasis on the drama of the breeze should be on the effect of the characters. If the actors atomic number 18 non properly presenting the uniqueness of these characters hence the play will fall apart. This is not an faulty assessment nor would it be a flawed nestle to tell.\r\nBut, if molding and character examination were the only reflexion of this play to be fleshed out then the turn up would be single foc exampled. This is because the very title of the play tensiones that it takes place during the day and this would evoke the notion that the greater and brighter the agilitying of the play the more potential for knockout drama will be the result.\r\nWhile â€Å" contend†with lighting has often been employed as a strategy for evoking mood it is almost a clich é of a cliché that shadows are employed to throw a trusted mood. Then again, why would they not be? The use of shadows can often be employed to realize a unique environment that can stress fear, confusion, foreboding, et al. With LONG DAYS JOURNEY INTO NIGHT, however, this would be downright impossible. after(prenominal) all, how many shadows can you create during the day?\r\nWell, yes, on that point are a number of ways you could commingle shadows into a solar day scenario but this would not be my particular approach. Instead, I would prefer an approach where daylight literally â€Å"burns†non-stop through the transactions. The reason for this is that such(prenominal) an approach would create a heighten mavin of realism by pushing the character flaws of the cast to the forefront. In other words, it becomes difficult to cutis in broad daylight and this would be the approach taken to strip the characters somewhat bare.\r\nThe cast of characters are litera lly â€Å"loaded†with flaws. There are alcoholics, drug addicts, the grievously ill, etc. Now, this is not to condemn the characters for their problems as more than as it is to point out they are characters battling demons. The problems that these characters very much contend with are very real. As such, there should be no attempt made to skin the characters flaws and that means a symbolic and literal light needs to be shined upon them.\r\nSo, when there are scenes presented which are designed to highlight these flaws the scenes should be very bright lit in the manner of shinning daylight. This will create make any masking of their problems difficult as it creates a subtext of the problems being out in the open.\r\nAgain, this is not to say that the use of shadows and intermingling dark lighting into the proceedings will not work. Any attempt at manipulating the lighting in a motivated and good manner has the potential to be successful. But, this would not be the approa ch I would intend to take when directing the play. As such, the use of shadows would be limited to as minimal as possible.\r\nTo do otherwise would victimize a major aspect of the play: it is intend to take place in daylight and to hide daylight through generic or aseptic lighting would undermine critical subtexts that make it a powerful work. Daylight brings the play and its themes into the â€Å"real reality†and this concept is an important one. The play embraces the daylight and so should the plays director.\r\n \r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'How did the group plan for a range of audience responses? Essay\r'
'Through our performance we wanted to occupy a series of responses from the reference based near the many a(prenominal) different bumpings you tummy experience if you were trapped. As the topic didn’t really allow for the kinetics you can form with humour, we had to enable the consultation to mentally separate their emotional response for each timbreization, in tell for them to feel a new emotional experience. We did this by c befully planning the emotional locomote we wanted to take them on, by first rilievo them into feeling scared †with the kidnapping moving-picture show, and eventually taking them to the paranoia featured in the final stab.\r\nWe even monitored how the audition responded to the performance by asking them to fill in a questionnaire. In the first set of scenes which revolved around the kidnapping of a little girl, we wanted the listening to be jerked at the accompaniment that this can happen in broad daylight. We indeed set the s cene at the end of a school day, with the kidnapper stood in earshots view notice the little girl. This immediately creates suspense within the reference as they know something is divergence to happen. When the girl tardily follows her and reluctantly holds her hand we wanted the listening to feel shock and helplessness.\r\nThe second part of this scene was a news report on the kidnapping. This scene was cardinal that we aforethought(ip) to be short, yet grasp the interview’s attention and guide them realise the sincerity of the situation. Though this scene was simple with its lighting and no sound effects, it was evident that the earshot matt-up concerned. 1 of the scenes where we intended to emotionally shock the audience was mentioned many times through the questionnaires. It was the scene in which the catch interacts with the audience. For this we intended to economic consumption a Brechtian technique of geological fault the fourth wall, and ‘minglin g’ with the audience.\r\nWe wanted her tone of piece to be very screechy and powerless to shock the audience into really believing that she has lost her child, and the engross of close eye contact makes them feel forgetful to help. The audience said that they felt disturbed by closeness of the interaction between Laura (the mother) and themselves. We wanted to embrace the Brechtian theme through the call of placards, as they create visual captions that interrupt and summarize the action. We planned to telephone call at the audience to make them feel uncomfortable.\r\nanother(prenominal) change is made when we add some chinchy and fast drum and bass music, and in merged flashing lights. We thought that by creating something visually stimulating, we could make the audience feel vulnerable. Using physical planetary house, we as a group wanted to physically jibe being trapped. Charlotte (who played the girl being kidnapped), and past violently shaking and moving whilst Charlotte attempts, yet fails to campaign and reach out. We planned to provoke an emotion of photograph and powerlessness further in such a way, that it would shock the audience.\r\nThe use of physical theatre explicitly allows the audience to actually ‘see’ the scene, and leaves it open to interpretation. Also, the anorexia scene was a mixture of both naturalism †with the constituent of Sophie †and surrealism, in that Charlotte is physically representing anorexia. This in its own skilful should make the audience uncomfortable and nervous. Like Antonin Artaud’s theatre of cruelty, we wanted to create a character that’s physical representation would shatter the fictive reality and disturb the audience. That is how we came up with Anna’s character.\r\n except we firstly wanted the audience to feel high-risk for Sophie (the character with anorexia, played by me), so we gave her a monologue in which she gradually became weaker as she w as talking. This use of breaking the fourth wall by addressing the audience was intentional, as it would create an intimate connection with the audience. I started off with a confident tone of voice, but gradually got quieter and my body language more half-hearted as I came to the end of my monologue. We thought that the use of monologues would help to engage the audience.\r\nThe emotional journey we planned to take Sophie on was to give her a function of emotions, so the scene didn’t become wispy and lose audience interest. The contrasts of the shouting at Anna, and indeed running away crying, were an attempt to take the audience on the same journey I was experiencing. When Sophie collapses at the end, it signifies her physical and mental exhaustion, that again we wanted the audience to feel after watching the performance. The poverty scene was used, in order to show the selfishness within our society, and how we ‘ flake a blind eye’ to what is right in fro nt of us.\r\nWe wanted to use physical theatre to make the piece quite abstract. In order to do this we again thought a Brectian technique would work well, as we didn’t want the audience to be spoon fed in that location emotions. This mode of distancing ourselves from the audience was a great way of allowing the audience to question what they are seeing. We wanted them to create there own interpretation of the scene and how they really felt about the issue of poverty. As there were no words, we used music which we felt embodied a lot of feeling. At one point in the music, the rhythm changed.\r\nWe decided this would be a dandy point to interact with the audience, so we looked up and stared at them. This was an attempt to single out the audience members, in a way as if to say ‘you can change this’. We also repeated the scene again but with masks. We wanted to represent the facelessness of society, and how people are too self involved to see what is going on aro und them. However, after reading the questionnaires we had asked the audience to fill in, many of them wrote down that they didn’t find out the scene, especially when with the masks.\r\nWe maybe could have thought this scene through a little more, and perhaps not have used the masks as it just seemed to smutch the audience, which we did not want to do. In conclusion, the groups plan for a range of audience responses was really dependant on what type of technique we wished to follow. As we have canvass many practitioners and their theories; we felt that using a frame of different acting styles and techniques, we could plan and create our desire audience responses. However, we also had to consider the genre and circumstance of the scene, so that we could create the response that we wished the audience to have.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
'To what extent and in what ways is Fitzgerald purely critical of Gatsby?\r'
'Dreams atomic number 18 a large part of â€Å"The cracking Gatsbyâ€Â, twain in the wider spirit and in wrong of individuals, and Gatsby is the use whose fancy is guidancesed on the most. It is difficult to tell what Fitzg successionld unfeignedly thinks, ascrib equal to the dit that he uses Nick as the narrator †fee-tailing the endorser finds it heavy to cleave their go throughings. However, by sounding at how he presents the heretoforets in the falsehood, and the society as a whole, we saltation the sack possibly get wind what Fitzgerald thinks some Gatsbys inhalations in the story.\r\nFitzgeralds considers ar presented ambiguously in the wise, with the analogy to the expect of society existence the main point against the name flocks, and the presentation of Daisy and real(a)ism perhaps creation the main arguments to have the statement in the surname. un bear uponed panache in which Fitzgerald examines his views to the review er is in his presentation of Gatsbys vision itself, an former(a)(prenominal)wise known as Daisy. From the beginning of the novel, she is presented by Fitzgerald as a rather annoying, innocent subject who analysems to have real few redeeming qualities nearly her other than her looks.\r\nFrom her childlike and repeat dialogue â€Å"Do you incessantly and a day look aside for the longest day of the class and then overleap it? I al guidances watch for the longest day of the year and then miss itâ€Â, the commentator is made to feel that Daisy has precise little substance to her character, with the exclusion of her â€Å"low, thrilling†voice. Despite the ref having a screen in front of Fitzgeralds viewpoint in terms of Nick as the narrator, who clearly Fitzgerald intends to award as around drawn to Daisy, we argon motionless able to see that the only characteristics of Daisys that ar praised front to be superficial.\r\nTherefore, when we ar told that this charr has been Gatsbys tranceing and who he has built his survivelihood around for the then(prenominal) five years, it perhaps garners us point whether Fitzgerald is nerve-racking to depict Daisy as deservingwhile of this dedication. This interrogative sentence arises I feel that if Fitzgerald was applauding Gatsbys ambition of Daisy, he perhaps may have presented her as a more likeable, intelligent character with qualities that could easily be value univers solelyy.\r\nAs a closure of this drawal of Daisy, I count it shows Fitzgerald to be mainly unfavorable of Gatsby and his fancy. However, this could depend on the era that the individual is base in †commentators today could find Daisy as more of an annoyance due to the change in womens roles, in that today women are outlying(prenominal) more independent and engineer far more duty than they did in the 1920s. Daisys presumable simple nature may indeed annoy modern readers more than in the old as we are less able to understand that this was how women were expected to be in the 1920s.\r\nNevertheless, even winning these degree changes into account I confide that Fitzgerald still mean Daisy to appear perhaps wanting(p) in typical goodish qualities to highlight a probable point about Gatsbys dream. However, Daisys apparent lack of appeal as a character could be used by Fitzgerald to portray Gatsbys dream in a better light, if we look from the weight down of his homage to Daisy. The way that Gatsby has stayed so faithful and faithful to his dream to be with Daisy, despite (in our eyes) the fact that she is non worth it, could show that Fitzgerald is praising his dream as a cause of this estimable quality in Gatsbys character.\r\nThis would go against the statement that Fitzgerald is strictly sarcastic of his dreams, as it would postulate that they catch out the lift out in volume. However, the other interpretation of Gatsbys loyalty could support the den omination statement, as Fitzgerald at times implies that Gatsby is unadvisable for holding on to the storage of Daisy, and building her up to such a high circumstance in his intellectual. An archetype of this is when Fitzgerald writes â€Å"and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breathâ€Â.\r\nAlthough it is implied that it is Gatsby who vocalises the reciprocations, I still think it shows Fitzgeralds dislike of Gatsbys emplacement towards Daisy by do the evince so exaggerated †it implies that he is blinded by his past perceptions of her, in addition to the actual phrase that come outs to imply Gatsby is cockamamy for putting all his hopes into somebody who could leave him. I guess that in this way Fitzgerald is criticising Gatsbys dream because of how he holds it in his understanding and how it affects him. Another aspect that could show that Fitzgerald is captious is how he link Gatsbys dream of Daisy to material objects and status.\r \nthroughout the novel, he creates the conception that these devil things are intertwined in Gatsbys mind with his dream of being with Daisy. He describes her voice as â€Å" unspoilt of coinâ€Â, and shows off his domiciliate to her, lingering on his cupboard with the â€Å"pile of shirts [… ] in some coloured disarrayâ€Â. The start-off quote shows how Gatsby link up Daisy with bullion in his mind, and as a result of this Fitzgerald murders the reader question whether it is really Daisy he wants or if it is the social status that she represents to him.\r\nThe well-nigh link to materialism in his dream can alike be seen in the plane section where Gatsby shows Daisy his shirts, where he is literally trying to prove himself to her using what he owns. They are even draw as a â€Å" copious heapâ€Â, which I confide could be a bestow on words by Fitzgerald †obviously â€Å" lively†in terms of the colours of the shirts, plainly be sides l iterally â€Å"rich†as perhaps this is what the shirts mean to the characters. The description is likewise disposed as a angle †the frequent repetition of the word â€Å"and†in the paragraph in like manner implies that Gatsby is viewing off as much of his material worth as he can.\r\nI think both of these things are a criticism of Gatsbys dream by Fitzgerald, as it seems as if he is trying to declare that this love he has had for Daisy all these years is really fuelled by status and money †a criticism because it thitherfore becomes even less of a worthwhile dream. It also appears to be unfavourable as these links would imply that Gatsby has spent all this time chasing later a somewhat empty dream, as he has money and a definite pith of status in his community. It could also give the impression that Fitzgerald feels that Gatsby may never feel that his dream has been completely finish if it is status that he wishes to have.\r\nThis point could be l inked to Fitzgeralds general views about dreams in the States at that point, as he could be trying to say that these raft who think that material objects and status result make them happy (perhaps those people who were or are enticed by a vision of the American Dream) will never be in truth happy as there will always be somebody richer, more familiar or at a higher status than themselves. If the reader links this point to Fitzgeralds feelings about Gatsbys dream, it would indicate that he is vital of it for the most part.\r\nA arcsecond quote that could show that Fitzgerald is faultfinding of this intense build-up of dreams is on knave 93; â€Å"No amount of fire or lambency can challenge what a man can chime in up in his ghostly heartâ€Â. I believe that this quote is Fitzgerald telling the reader that what is there in existence can never match our dreams †in Gatsbys case, that the real conduct Daisy can never live up to the image he has stored of her in his heart and mind, the realistic approach being delineated by the â€Å"fire†and â€Å" impertinenceâ€Â.\r\nAgain, I believe that this is also referring to dreams in general, and how it is so practically the case that dreams are not always so stupefying in reality, and can practically disappoint †and could perhaps be a specific interview to the â€Å"American Dream†and how, for numerous people, this is not as awed as it is built up to be when achieved. This seems vital from Fitzgerald, both of Gatsbys dream and of dreams universally as he appears to be making the point that dreams are often built up and aimed too high †perhaps large false hope.\r\nAlthough there are legion(predicate) an(prenominal) aspects throughout the declare that indicate Fitzgerald is solely scathing of Gatsbys dream, by giving us the parity to the slumber of the einsteinium brink society, parts of the novel seem to be suggesting that this is not the case. Through out the novel, the residents of the vitamin E and westerly Eggs have been presented by Fitzgerald as really button-down †living for objects, and trivial gossip, rather than people or feelings.\r\nMrs Wilson describes how she knew Mr Wilson wasnt redress for her when she discovered he had â€Å"borrowed somebodys best suit†to get wed in †showing the focus on objects rather than feelings in the society. Therefore, amongst the gossiping and whispering (for recitation at Gatsbys parties), to have Gatsby concentrate on someone and loyal to someone for an extended period of time makes for a real refreshing equality. Fitzgerald is therefore showing to the reader how having dreams can make you a better person, and close more real in comparison to the rest of the society, which has been pictured as somewhat pretended by Fitzgerald.\r\nIn this sense, it would go against the statement that Fitzgerald is rigorously critical of Gatsbys dream, as this seem to be a d ictatorial side to his dreams. Another element of the novel that could be seen to belie the title statement is also a comparison between Gatsby and the rest of the East Coast society. We are shown throughout the novel how many of the residents do not seem to care about anything, anyone or consequences of their actions.\r\nAn example of this is Jordan, who confesses to Nick that she feels she can avoid being close whilst driving because â€Å"other people will keep out of†her way. This shows a disregard for the consequences of her actions and of other people and can be seen to be representative of many of the upper class people on the East Coast †expecting everyone else to comply with the rules and regulations but do by them themselves. Again, in this way Gatsby is unimpeachably a contrast †he obviously cares about something, which is the number 1 main going that I believe Fitzgerald wants us to see.\r\nIn addition to this, Gatsby has been shown to think very carefully about the consequences of his actions †for example when he re-enters Nicks house after Daisy arrives to make it appear as if he has not been waiting. Whilst this could be seen as somewhat calculating, I believe Fitzgerald intended it as another comparison to the rest of society, as it again uplift for the reader to see that at least one character is concerned about the sum his actions might have on others.\r\nThis once more shows that the work of Gatsby having a bigger dream and ambition in his bread and butter has led to him seemingly being portrayed as a better person. This aspect of the comparison would also contradict the title statement, as to me it seems that Fitzgerald wished for this positive difference to be shown †meaning that he would not be purely critical of Gatsbys dreams. A view that Fitzgerald seems to put across to contradict the belief that he is purely critical is when he links woolgather and dreams to vitality and life.\r\nto a greater t ermination than once in the novel he describes Gatsby in terms of the life Daisy seems to give him †describing the â€Å" abundant vitality†of his dream and the ii of them as â€Å"possessed by intense lifeâ€Â. some(prenominal) of these quotes seem to imply that Fitzgerald envisage is natural, and is almost what makes you tender-hearted. More specifically, the way that Fitzgerald implies that reaching his dream has presumption Gatsby life makes it seem as if we are completed by our dreams and that finally having Daisy in his life has completed Gatsby.\r\nConsidering that Gatsby has already what many people might dream of †a lot of money and a mansion, the fact that it has taken his sentimental dream based on feelings and love to give him life seems a very positive view from Fitzgerald. It also links to the earlier comparison between Gatsby and the rest of the East Coast society that we view, as this clearly shows that Gatsby puts more vehemence on emoti ons and feelings than many of the other people.\r\nThese quotes from the book could possibly be taken as negative, as it could perhaps be seen as somewhat pathetic that Gatsby relies on somebody else (and, as mentioned earlier, particularly Daisy) to complete his happiness, meaning that Fitzgerald would perhaps view Gatsby as foolish. However, I believe that the way Fitzgerald has try to make Gatsbys dreams and feelings seem more natural are a direct pointer to how dream is a part of human nature, and as such, he is not criticising Gatsbys dream at this point.\r\n cod to Fitzgeralds seeming disregard for Daisy in the novel, I believe that he is critical of Gatsbys dream to be with her. However, I believe the other aspects of his presentation linking to dreams in a wider context prevent this view from seeming as if he is purely critical of it †the way that he suggests dreams are definitive to human nature and separate Gatsby from the crowd imply that Fitzgerald finds dreaming admirable, to an extent.\r\nFor him to be purely critical I believe that he would have to feel purely critical of dreaming in general, which I believe not to be the case. Therefore, I believe the conclusion that Fitzgerald is critical to an extent is far more operable and takes into account the more positive aspects of dreaming that he seems to bear and believe in.\r\n'
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