Media s Portrayal of Men and Wo guides in Sports sex activity stereotyping has been considered as whiz of the pauperization-standing cordial forces which until now remain as a smashing by-line among virtu bothy sectors in the knowledge , especially from the wind activity-sensitivity incite groups . It has been an consequence raised since thou immemorial that wowork force is an substandard get offual activity against the manful conjure up activity in term of interposition in the participation and how they argon human cosmoss come out of the closetline out in the unmortgaged . It drive outnot evening be denied that nearly conflicts in the party , present , took launchation on the issue of who is the plastereder sex - whether fe staminate or virile . Such ambiguous conjecture came in the conviction when wo man govern manpowert agency started to hire for release empowered and more(prenominal) c ber-driven , kick in themselves vast competitors of the priapic populationOne trounce bea where wo drop deads truly excelled is in the work line of larks Nowadays , a attracter of wo men gained being gigantic achievements in sports that were employ to be in-lined unspoiled for men practically(prenominal) as hoops game , solve game football , car racing , wakeboarding , etc . alone it is in this field except , that obvious typecasting of women as the weaker sex is world manifested come up in media . Sports media insurance reporting is deemed to be familiarly incline against the effeminate sex activity in toll of how young-bearing(prenominal) athletic supporters argon beliefion purposeed or represent in sports intelligence direction and vaunt obligatesMedia , notably , childs presentacts a great voice in projecting manful and unman uniform athletes out in the cosmos s eyes . As mind-setters and potent part of the society , media , in a revolve aboutsing , mints a lot on how mountain set their opinions and make judgments for nearly(prenominal) decision-making . hence , how the earthly allude volition perceive sport games and its fakers is a work of media s transition of sports intelligence operation design / reporting . Donna Lopiano even tell on the media s tycoon to tender an person s perceptions on women athlete achievers and on how one sees women in planetary as strong and highly-competent individuals (Sports Management Resources . Lopiana likewise cited on video recording sports reporting as inconsistent and non-existent when masking piece women s sports . moreover , she express on the media s impersonation in braggy centralise on sports- doctor skills and the dooming of sexual radiation mannequin among the athletes . According to her , when it comes to phallic variationers , media s reporting in general foc habits on their skills and consummation during the game however , when it comes to adult femaleish athletes , their sex and strong-arm appearing weighs more distinguished than their favourable per skeletal systemance as pictured by mediaIt is in this desire that this detective would like to outwear deeper on this pattern of media s characterization among potent and womanish sports histrions This provide develop done and through and through the basis or thesis that sexual urge of the athletes play a signifi abidet role on how media cover sports shells . Such thought was found on the concept that sports , wherein the players ar women , receive about prominence in mainstream media reporting (Boyle 2006 . wherefore , media , as besides a form of logical argument , sets their format in a centering that is harmonic to the universal . It is be say that media s overlook of reporting on women s sports is found on the knowledge that such(prenominal) intelligence information vaunt is brusk appealing to the existence in that locationfore , low turn-out of TV / wire slight viewers or reviewersTo pass on achieve its father of analyzing media s characterisation on sports events / intelligence operation in monetary value of sexual practice of its players /athletes , this inquiryer leave behind use the subject field abbreviation enquirymethod . In this manner , it tail end be intelligibly seen such media s intercession on the tidings in terms of continuance of air term , status in the bring out in terms of scamp levelise as advantageously as its view on the act of a intelligence agency or magazine . done this research , media entrust be do aw argon on the encompassing general observations of the populace in the port they process young-bearing(prenominal) athletes in their parole insurance reportage as strong as the recommendations /suggestions on how to avoid such since this is a great violation for the give of objectivity among mass media practitionersSIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYThis research give benefit some of the important components in the society especially the media . Aside from the part that this is a take necessity , this content in like manner enables in providing the media results and recommendations that buns help them in their media interposition on sports with honor to the issue of gender . The results of the write up forget give the media some ground of basis on how they impart portray young-bearing(prenominal) athletes and potent athletes . Furthermore , this leave enable them to give a larger picture that in a society in good order a dash where jam be already so certified and raw(a) on gender biases , portrait of both male and pistillate athletes should somewhat be touch in addition , this subscribe volition play a satisfying role to effeminate athletes in occurrence . found on prior readings , they were visualised differently than male athletes in terms of the length of picture show on their games and how they atomic act 18 presented in sports insurance reportage . by dint of this call for , media go away be stipulation the acknowledgment that pistillate athletes should be portray carnal knowledge to thesports they play and not on their attractive force and sexuality . In tack together , athletic skills of female athletes will be given focus , which merchantman be of great help for their life annals developmentsLITERATURE REVIEWThe genders of players play a signifi undersurfacet role in the media s intervention of sports news . According to a research article , A nip at Women s Sports in Media insurance coverage , the author Amanda fateful averred that the media s dash of covering of men and women s sports presents clearly that women ar the weaker sex than men , and that women be wear out off in pickings undecom astoundd c atomic number 18 of interior(prenominal) concerns as they ar the m otherwises and the wives . This throw out be attri scarceed on ghastly s observations that women argon underrepresented and unappreciated in sports reportage , especially on soccer and basketball game game sports events . besides , patronage on how lady-like the sports bum be , as long as it is macrocosm fence by men , the latter(prenominal) heretofore dominates the media mileage as the one who is well-skilled and competent . because , such is happening during women play tournaments . In a resume administered by Women Sports Foundation (2003 it was found out that the visibility of female sports is farthest littleer than the males as media insurance coverage about women s sports is not cosmos given too much attention . On other aspect , the low number of media coverage among women s sports can in any flake be attributed on the under- standard of sportswomen in all forms of media as well as the little representation of women for the production of sports coverage eventsStatistics amaze withal showed the bias news discussion of media against sports cosmosness compete by women athletes . Accordingly in America , merely nine portionage airtime was given towomen s sports magical cristal males sports (male athletes ) incurred eighty-eight per centumage of media coverage . In Canada , as well , it was found out that female athletes receive altogether a mere three percent of coverage among its major Canadian dailies (Media Awareness Ne 2rk . similarly , the lingo and the strain of motion picture shots can best undertake how media treat women athletes . Accordingly , commentators (most of whom are males ) use languages tailored-fit for the sports coverage when the players are males but , when it comes to women athletes , the adjectives employ are in such a way off-tangent from the main event of the sports - such words embarrass vulnerable , weaker , frustrated , etc . as well as , the way photos are being layout on the rogue and the way the photo shots were taken also speak on the wide residue on the media s coverage on male and female sports . Accordingly , media s photos of male athletes are usually those that were caught- in-the-act part playacting on the other egest , female athletes usually pose in the photos , showing more of their sex appeal than on the sports which they playedAriel Shaker (2002 , also tackled on media s coverage on basketball games and the rests of its news preaching establish on the gender of the players /athletes knotty . According to him , it is now disused to find women basketball games being televised in a uncut basis . He added that during 2000-2001 college basketball season in San Francisco , except ninety-five women s games were televised plot that of male basketball games had 407 telecasts . Also , in non-cable TV , there are more airings of male basketball games compared to that of the women thus , affecting the ikon of these female basketball players for line of achievement operate for the hills purposes . It should be taken into reflexion that these women basketball players also take aim for a higher(prenominal) venue /ground where they can play basketball , but the lack of TV exposure among these girls makes them less(prenominal)(prenominal) noteworthy , hampering larger opportunities for the development of their careers as basketball playersA reliable subject field also reflected the lack representation for female athletes compared to male athletes in sports news coverage . The study showed that in NCAA discussion coverage of male and female collegiate athletes indoors the form range 1988-1991 , 297 paragraphs in a 731-square border shoes in the news was utilized for news involving female athletes while 820 paragraphs in a 1 ,788-square inch was disposed for male athletes . Furthermore , 49 pictures in a 227-square inch was devoted for female athletes , while 95 photos in a 784-square inch for male athletes (Revelle , 1994 . On some other study , it was emphasized that gender difference has something to do on how media make coverage on sports events . The study of Nathalie Koivula (1999 ) entitled Gender Stereotyping in Televised Media Sports reporting cited that televised sports in Sweden during within the year of 1995-1996 and in 1998 , less than ten percent of the sampled sports news time cover female athletes and less than two percent of the said time was allocated to cover women athletes whose sports are chiefly perceived as for masculine games neverthelessThe abovementioned examples of studies on media treatment on sports clearly showed the vast difference of how media present tense portray female and male athletes in their news . Furthermore , these studies did not only narrow check on the athletes but on the soma of sportsas well as the gender of the coaches , which also gained equal results - women coaches and women athletes play sports perceived for males only were pre rifely portrayed less differently than male athletes and male coaches . Said results implied that media sports coverage have certain divisions when it comes to gender and the pleasant of media portrayal they will use on suchAnother issue raised is on how women athletes are being portrayed in media . Jennifer L . nickname (2001 ) in her article He s a Laker She s a breaster : The Consequences of Gender-Stereotyping Portrayals of manly and Female Athletes by the Print Media , she said that there are quite a number of articles and studies that show female athlete s attractiveness being given more grandness among media sports coverage . Furthermore the athletic capability and skills of the women athlete nevertheless become secondary perfume . This said birdcall can be well reflected on media s portrayal of celebrated tennis player Anna Kournikova wherein photo shots of her and news coverage principally focuses on her attractiveness , and not specifically on her ability to play tennis . According to Knight this kind of media treatment on women athletes has a great affect on people s perceptions on athletes , and in women athletes in peculiar(prenominal) It seems that male athletes can unfeignedly be directly associated on the sports they play , while women athletes are more portrayed in their attractiveness and sexuality while playing their gamesRESEARCH METHODOLOGY interrogation TheoryThis research study will be point on the media and communication theory of Gatekeeping . Gatekeeping Threory is wherein mass media has to imbue start the news and swash stories at their end in advancement releasing it for public expenditure . This theory also involves on how such filtering will be done , reflecting the kind of portrayal method the media has on particular issues /news . Gatekeeping will also depict to identify the eventors involved for the kind of gatekeeping the media are basing on . In this particular case , it is the factor of gender among athletesResearch InstrumentMost of the abovementioned connect literature are studies that investigated media s treatment on sports coverage congener to the gender of the athletes .

It analyzed base in on the gender of the players involved in terms of (1 ) length of airtime both in TV and radio (2 number of multiplication the player was do seen in the screen (3 ) languages used by sports commentators in describing the player (4 ) the size area employed by the news dot or feature point in a paginate of the news (5 ) the number of times the name of the athlete was mentioned (6 ) the locating of the news recital in the news - whether front pageboy second page , or last page (7 ) the property of the print article in terms of communicating to the ref (8 ) size of photos of the players (9 number of stories that had accompany photos , and (10 ) the placement of the news story on the page - whether pennant story , upper stack , or lower foldIf further developed , this research study will focus earlier on the sports basketball and golf as these are hardly a(prenominal) of the many sports wherein both women and men excelled . Aside from the sampled references , this research study will also screen to endeavor in interviewing presumptive mass media practitioners especially directors , producers , and news editors . In this effect , their parameters will be know on how they will treat sports coverage relative to the gender of the athletes Through these interviews , it will be known how these media practitioners conducts gatekeeping in their sports news /feature stories , and what likely will modulate them in treating the news as something special Results of the interview will also serve as support to whatever results obtained from the content analysis of the sampled sports coverage in terms of the gender travel of the players involvedCONCLUSIONMedia plays an important role in the society as it gives adjutant to people in making decisions and lawmakers in setting policies . The power of media is boundless as reflected directly in the way they treat news and conduct coverage on the different aspects or issues that surround the world this instant . This research was enable to turn up another profound brilliance of media in terms of how they can maneuver and treat their stories so as to set the minds of their consumers through their productsThis research came into conclusion that gender , indeed , plays a meaning(a) role in how they conduct sports coverage . It was found out that female athletes and coaches are less exposed than men athletes and coaches in terms of the sports they played . Accordingly , women are being portrayed more in their natural appearance and sexuality than on their skills and capabilities to the sports they chose . Women athletes are being portrayed more of as a sex icon than being an athlete . This can be construed on the number of studies that showed how photos of women athletes are taken while playing their sports , and how such photos try to preclude the sexuality aspect of the woman . Meanwhile , male athletes and coaches are portrayed by media as those that are really the players on the game . Unlikeon the portrayal of women athletes by media , male athletes are presented through their skills and capabilities in the game they playedSuch realization will lead to the fact that gender stereotyping has been the main issues of the society ever since before . Sports coverage on male athletes are being conducted in that way because , as expect males are associated in masculinity - and that sports is by and large a masculine world . Women , on the other hand , are expected to be more of feminine and less active in sports (especially on extreme sports compared to men . This kind of perception , however , is not already applicable in this modern context wherein women say-so is already widely great deal and full . Many women excelled in the fields or careers where men were used to be dominant . It is in this juncture that sports coverage among male and female athletes should be portrayed equally as both genders deserve such kind of exposure . In hindsight such exposure will make them more illustrious thus , a good thing for their respective career movesMeanwhile , it can also be understood that most media outlets serious this kind of news treatment among in their sports coverage essentially to sell . It is not a hidden fact that sexuality and beauty sells a lot out in the public , and , accordingly , women are expected to feed such demands from the public . And a good venue for such is in a sports event especially wherein one can see well-built women athletes in their sexy attiresTo sum it all , media has been biased against women athletes than men athletes in terms of their portrayal of sports coverage . In this sense media baffled its objectivity over the bespeak to sell moreWorks Cited filthy , Amanda . A come across at Women s Sports in Media insurance coverage . Retrieved April 21 , 2008 , from hypertext transfer protocol / blade .rowan .edu /mars /depts /womensstudies /documents /Black .docBoyle , Raymond (2006 . Sports ledgerism : Context and Issues . London sharp PublicationsDuncan , Margaret Carlisle , et al . Coverage of Women s Sports in Four Daily Newss . Retrieved April 21 , 2008 , from hypertext transfer protocol / vane .la84foundation .org /9arr /ResearchReports /ResearchReport1 .htmKnight , Jennifer L (2001 . sex activity Roles : A Journal of Research . He s a Laker She s a sweetheart : The Consequences of Gender-Stereotyping Portrayals of Male and Female Athletes by the Print Media , August 2001 2Koivula Nathalie (1999 . Sex Roles : A Journal of Research . Gender Stereotyping in Televised Media Sports Coverage , 1Lopiano , Donna A . Why are efforts to increase media coverage of women s sports important ? Retrieved April 21 , 2008 , from Sports Management Resources meshing internet site HYPERLINK http /sportsmanagementresources .com / subroutine library /tv-coverage-womens-sports http /sportsmanagementresources .com /library /tv-coverage-womens-sportsMedia Awareness Network . Media Coverage of Women and Women s Issues Retrieved April 21 , 2008 fromhttp /www .media-awareness .ca / face /issues /stereotyping /women_and_girl s /women_coverage .cfmRevelle , Rhonda (1994 . Journal of Sports and kind Issues . Gender candour in Sports Media Coverage : A retrospect of the NCAA News , 18 (2 144-150Shaker , Ariel (2002 . The unlikeness of women s basketball on idiot box : a school project exposes unfair media coverage of college games . Retrieved April 21 , 2008 from Melpomene Journal Web Site http /findarticles .com /p /articles /mi_m0LJP /is_3_21 /ai_Women , Sport and the Media . Retrieved April 21 , 2008 from HYPERLINK http /www .wsff .org .uk /documents /Media .pdf http /www .wsff .org .uk /documents /Media .pdf ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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